Lent 2019 – Another Step in the Journey Friday, March 8, 2019 10:00 – 11:30 AM
Does Lent bring you a fresh sense of growth in love and mercy? Or is it a repeat of prior years, with spiritual practices grown stale?
Is God asking us to fast from judging others? Do we need to find new ways to imitate Jesus in being the servant to our sisters and brothers in Christ? How can we make our Lenten penances meaningful in the days after Easter? Come for a morning of contemplation, silent prayer and reflection. The group will explore what they feel God is calling them to offer this Lent.
Steve Palmer, a spiritual director and experienced retreat facilitator, will guide the group through different ways of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Special attention will be given to the scriptures from Luke and John for Lenten Sundays this year. Attendees may wish to bring their Bible.
Suggested donation: $20 For more information or to register, contact the Benedictine Pastoral Center, at www.benedictinepastoralcenter.org, [email protected], or call 703-383-2485.