Blessed Are They - A Morning with the Beatitudes October 25, 2017 10:00 - 11:30 Am
Faith is a Verb -- The Beatitudes: Living What We Believe The Sermon on the Mount was the beginning of Jesus' public life and his first recorded sermon in the Bible. Jesus sets forth, in a series of promises and challenges, his blueprint for the Christian life -- a life of joy, hope and peace. The Beatitudes don't tell us how to become a Christian; they tell us what a true Christian looks like. Join gifted presenter Marie Kordes for a morning of reflectin and prayer exploring what Jesus offers us when we live the Beatitudes. Marie Kordes has served as a consultant and faculty member of Trinity College and worked with the National Conference of Catechetical leadership and the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. Marie brings a lifetime of spiritual learning as a presenter and facilitator at parish and diocesan workshops and conferences locally and across the country. Marie has been married for 50 years and is a mother and grandmother.